Wednesday, 15 April 2020


A TV, radio and social media campaign aimed at helping victims of domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic will get under way on Wednesday. The advertisements were developed by the Department of Justice and Equality, which collaborated with frontline services. The advertisements depict the reality for victims of domestic abuse when their home is no longer a safe place. One of the radio ads depicts a mother trying to reassure her child that their effort to hide from their abuser is just a game of ‘hide and seek’ while the other features a male victim trying to communicate his plight to the emergency services.

The TV advertisements portray a woman’s attempt to keep in contact with her friend when her video call is interrupted by her abusive partner. Minister for Justice and Equality Charlie Flanagan said: “We would all like if these scenarios were fictitious or exaggerated but, sadly, they aren’t. They conjure up a strong sense of the victims feeling trapped. 
“The very place we have all been sent for safety because of Covid-19 – home – is anything but safe for some people, and these ads recognise that. “However, it is vital that victims realise that services are still, available and the law is on their side.”

The ads carry the message to victims that services are still available during the Covid-19 outbreak. Mr Flanagan added: “I also want to say, unequivocally, to all abusers that the rigours of the law are also still here. “There is nowhere for perpetrators to hide. Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has made the point on a number of occasions recently that Gardai are prioritising domestic abuse.

“The same is the case for the entire civil and criminal justice system. We stand together with our NGO partners in our support for victims of domestic and sexual violence during this difficult period.”

If you or someone you know has been affected by mental health issues you can contact:

·                  Samaritans - 116 123, text 087 2609090 or email

·                  Pieta House (Suicide & Self-harm) - 1800 247 247 or 01 623 5606

·                  Aware (Depression, Bi-Polar Disorder & Anxiety) - 1800 80 48 48

·                  Grow (Mental Health support & Recovery) - 1890 474 474

·                  Bodywhys (Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland) - 1890 200 444

·                  Childline (for under 18s) - 1800 66 66 66.

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