A clear night sky is a
beautiful sight. When you look to Orion, you can often see some of the
brightest stars. Things are especially clear now, above the human world, with
much of the air and light pollution reduced as a result of Covid-19. Stars
should remind us of something else, crucial in the world today - facts.
Facts exist, they should be a constant truth and while they may be hidden for a
time, they always eventually shine. You can't flatter the stars or put a spin
on them. They will outlast us all. The truth is in our stars. It's where we
came from. And so, it is with the coronavirus pandemic and our national health
emergency. We know a lot of facts about the virus now, but there is still a lot
we don't know. It's also too early to assess how authorities have managed the
crisis. All those facts are not in yet, either.
A sober assessment can only be made after these dark and terrible days are over. Then people can review the true number of cases, deaths and how testing and other systems operated.
Health staff and public
officials are mostly very dedicated people, trying their best in unprecedented
times. They too are under enormous professional and no doubt personal strain,
given the risks of going out the door every day. That must be factored into any
coronavirus stories
That is tempered by the pain and sadness for those who have died and the loved ones left behind. Here, facts have less resonance. This is the human side of this disease. When we look to the skies we should remember this too, lost souls. The pain people are enduring, it's part of our collective humanity.
At the extreme end, we saw in the US, talk [from the US President] about having researchers try inserting disinfectant into people's bodies.
The HSE is aware of what its capabilities are in relation to delivering on Covid-19 testing and ramping that up. Currently, it is about 18,000 tests a day.
SOURCE: https://www.rte.ie/news/2020/0424/1134691-covid19-facts-of-life/
A sober assessment can only be made after these dark and terrible days are over. Then people can review the true number of cases, deaths and how testing and other systems operated.
A View Of The North Beach Greystones County Wicklow Ireland. |
There is a well-known
point made by a Guardian editor in 1921 and it's worth remembering now
too. He said that comment is free but facts are sacred. It’s a fundamental of
journalism. Of course, there is room for analysis and commentary. Like this
article. But informed by facts, too.
back in time
It's worth stepping back a
little. The world first heard about this coronavirus at the end of December
last. Ireland saw its first confirmed case on Saturday, 29 February. It all
appears such a long time ago, despite many of us feeling we are frozen in time.
According to the European
Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, there have now been over 2.6 million
cases of Covid-19 and over 190,000 deaths. That's since the case definition for
the virus was applied by countries from the end of December. Here, up to the time of
writing this, Ireland had seen 829 laboratory confirmed virus-related
deaths plus a further 185 probable cases. There have been over 18,184 cases
https://www.bbc.com/news https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-germany-cases/germanys-confirmed-coronavirus-cases-rise-by-2055-to-152438-rki-idUSKCN2270B2
daily figures in relation to coronavirus come at us all very fast and there is
a degree of information overload. We have to absorb graphs, tables, maps,
epidemiological experts, medical and scientific views. It's
like looking at the night sky and trying to count the stars. Together,
all too daunting to comprehend. But each on its own is a story
- individual, precious.
The Pathway To Bray Head County Wicklow Ireland. |
each person who has encountered Covid-19 there is a personal story, too. The
cold facts cannot tell those tales. We have had wonderful news of the thousands
of people who have recovered here, which should give us hope.
That is tempered by the pain and sadness for those who have died and the loved ones left behind. Here, facts have less resonance. This is the human side of this disease. When we look to the skies we should remember this too, lost souls. The pain people are enduring, it's part of our collective humanity.
light we see from the stars, left those objects a long time ago in history.
It's the past we are looking at. Those stars have seen a lot of turmoil on this
planet since our birth. We are still here, despite all that and the current
trauma caused by the pandemic. More reason to hope.
story in nursing homes
the wealth of facts we have, hospitals have been managing well and have not
been overrun with cases. The story for long term residential facilities,
mainly nursing homes, is different. Health
officials say that, initially, the virus took hold in the community and only at
a later stage did it enter nursing homes.
While the outcome of the formation of a new
government is still unclear, from the stance being taken by the Green Party, we
are likely to have Oireachtas hearings of some kind into how the health service
and the State managed the crisis.
this may point to the early efforts to control the virus in the general
community, it may suggest there might have been more time to plan and act
to protect nursing homes. There were advance warnings.
was always known that residents in these locations were an especially
vulnerable group. Back on 3 March, the National Public Health Emergency Team
announced at that evening's press conference, that four sub-groups had been set
up, including a 'Vulnerable People Sub-group'.
the outcome of the formation of a new government is still unclear, from the
stance being taken by the Green Party, we are likely to have Oireachtas
hearings of some kind into how the health service and the State managed the
crisis. That review may not be possible for some time as the crisis remains
with us.
would be important that any review would be about learning and preparing for
further Covid-19 waves or other pandemic. If anything, the coronavirus has
exposed the frailty of humans, blind as the virus is as to who it attacks,
prime ministers and 'ordinary' folk.
the heartwarming initiatives we have seen on television and social media, of
ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, coping somehow, that is so
life-affirming. In these worst moments, we see the best.
do we go from here?
are deep into the crisis and such is the national anxiety and concern, on so
many levels, that it's hardly a good time for pure rational analysis. Some
of the facts we have at hand are valuable - and should help guide us on the
path ahead. Like the projections about where we are now - and where we might be
by 5 May, if the current restrictions are adhered to.
is a great song by American rock band, Talking Heads, called 'Crosseyed And
Painless'. Singer David Byrne talks about how facts are simple and facts are
straight, how they don't do what you want them to. Facts can be awkward, even
for heads of countries.
heard some time ago in a different context from the US about 'alternative
facts'. Social media is now awash with so much disinformation, is it any wonder
people may feel there is nowhere to go for a modicum of truth. It makes
managing this crisis, at this time in world history much more difficult.
are understandably looking for hope, in terms of possible new treatments,
antibody tests and a vaccine. A lot of positive research is underway but at the
moment all trials on treatments or vaccines must have the caveats 'may' 'might'
'could' or 'possibly' attached to them.
At the extreme end, we saw in the US, talk [from the US President] about having researchers try inserting disinfectant into people's bodies.
science gets people killed. Scientists have a huge responsibility to speak out
at this time, with evidence-based material, when the world needs them more than
ever before.
times for our health system
health system is in a strange place now. Emergency Departments are very quiet
and GPs say the same about their practices. Where are all the patients gone?
It's a real concern for what may be coming after the worst of this wave of
coronavirus is over. Some
early problems over unsuitable personal protective equipment have apparently
been replaced by other challenges. Red tape, bureaucracy.
addition to the health risk fears, there are reporting and oversight
requirements for nursing homes in relation to the Health Information
and Quality Authority (inspections), the National Treatment Purchase Fund
(contracts and payments system for Fair Deal residents) as well as the
Department of Health oversight.
may be difficult to deal with during a crisis when staff want to tend to
patients or residents - but they are aspects of the system that are necessary. Concern
and fear among healthcare staff, especially in residential centres, is
hear from senior staff that healthcare personnel are testing positive, who are
asymptomatic (have no symptoms); some are testing positive with just sniffles,
no temperature or cough, while others have just gastric upset as their only
symptom. Some
health staff complain of aches and pains - which shows how challenging
this virus is to contain and monitor.
with the experience of patients, the voice of healthcare staff is vital in this
crisis. Staff need to be comfortable with the protections they are given in managing
confirmed, or suspected cases. There
is an important role for health unions here in ensuring no employees are put at
unnecessary risk. The stakes are too high for everyone.
Concern and fear among healthcare staff,
especially in residential centres, is palpable. As one nurse has said to
me in a communication: "We are in a pandemic and one step away from a
coffin at all times."
nursing home employees test positive, they must self-isolate and their close
contacts have to be identified quickly. For some nursing home residents who
test positive, it may be that they cannot be isolated, for various reasons.
Overlooking The Fair Bay Of Dublin. A Lady Is
Self- Isolated On Howth Head
are restrictions for family members too. In France, family members can visit
very ill or dying patients, once the visitors are wearing masks and take the
required precautions.
our health staff, this is a job that at the best of times is a challenge. But
in the midst of coronavirus, the physical and emotional strain must be almost
unbearable on occasions. As one nurse has said to me in a communication:
"We are in a pandemic and one step away from a coffin at all times."
just want to help
the first confirmed case here on 29 February, I have received several
communications from people wishing to source, donate, or coordinate the provision
of personal protective equipment, or ventilators and other materials to the
services here.
have been successful in doing so. In other cases, it has not worked out, for
various reasons. Obviously,
all of the materials must meet the required standards. We know from early on
from the HSE that some material donated in good faith was not suitable and has
not been used.
was made aware of cases last week where gowns were reportedly too short in
length and masks were falling apart. These were not HSE sourced or supplied but
came from other sources.
are genuinely trying to help in any way they can and these things will occur.
When a review is conducted of the handling of the Covid-19 emergency, it will
be important to establish if any genuine opportunities to provide the health
service with vital life-saving equipment, that meets the required standards,
were missed. This is an issue that has arisen also in other countries.
up society will not be easy
5 May has taken on a special status as an expiry date. Pressure is growing for
some relaxation of measures, as the weather improves and the early summer
Government is working on a strategy which may see some gentle reopening of
certain aspects of the economy and social life, based on health advice. Getting
the phasing of these measures right will be crucial.
will be a point whereby small businesses will reopen, particularly DIY stores
and personal services, but under certain ground rules.
big step will be in relation to cafes, restaurants and bars. There are measures
suggested that could be adopted, to open pubs - for example allowing
only limited numbers of known local customers in at a time, for a set period
and with social distancing rules operated by customers and staff.
is all unfamiliar territory and will not be easy. Invariably, things will also
fail and there will be unexpected consequences and difficulties.
hotel and tourism industry looks set for a shocking year, which is very sad,
given all the work that has been put into developing this wonderful industry
gatherings of over 5,000 are prohibited until the end of August which, for
Ireland, is effectively the end of the summer. A year without the Dublin Horse
Show, the National Ploughing Championships, the Galway races, literary and
music festivals, concerts and arts events is hard to contemplate.
challenge for the Government is to get the correct balance of protecting public
health, and the economic and societal future of Ireland. It would be no
surprise to have tensions between the Department of Health, the Government and
the HSE on how exactly to proceed and the capacity to do certain things.
HSE is an independent agency with its own clear governance and board. The HSE
is not the Department of Health, and there are potential challenges there too,
as regards decisions.
The HSE is aware of what its capabilities are in relation to delivering on Covid-19 testing and ramping that up. Currently, it is about 18,000 tests a day.
of the measures being asked of the HSE, via the National Public Health
Emergency Team and ultimately Government, also have a cost. That final
cost is unclear and there will be questions as to how the full cost of Covid-19
will be covered, in terms of the HSE’s annual budget.
is an important issue for the HSE Board and the financial governance there
because there are a myriad of non-Covid-19 services to be run and how this
crisis will affect the overall budget and provision of services into the future
will be an issue.
is already clear that there will be significant waiting lists for non-Covid-19
healthcare, by the time this emergency ends, or at least tapers down. This will
represent another wave of health cases the system will be faced with.
made all the more complex, by the impact of the State's decision to take over
private hospitals. The landscape of the health service will be very different
for some years to come after this crisis eases.
depends on if we were to see a return of the virus returns for further cycles,
if it remains more generally in the background, plus the progress in developing
general availability of proven antibody tests, developing anti-viral treatments
and producing a vaccine.
to lifting restrictions will be what is in the public health interest.
Officials will want to be certain that the health service has a very efficient
system to quickly test all suspected cases, trace close contacts and ensure
people are following the isolation rules.
all has to be closely monitored in real time, too. Then businesses could re-open
and be responsible for meeting the social distancing rules. Those that do not,
could be shut and would only have themselves to blame, if that was to occur.
feel isolated as we contain virus
are so many stories of the impact of Covid-19 which we do not hear.
the impact on people who are blind or vision impaired. People with sight loss
live in a more tactile world and the absence of human contact and adds to
feelings of isolation, the National Council for the Blind of Ireland has
says that through its helpline, callers have been stressing how isolated they
feel, being unable to connect with their family and friends. Ireland
has so far managed to keep Covid-19 somewhat contained. The re-infection rate
is just below 1 and the spread is under some control.
public hospitals have not been overrun and have a large amount of capacity
still. The assistance of private hospitals has largely not been needed. But
this is a dynamic situation and very delicate.
facts and figures we currently have on Covid-19 do not tell us the full
picture. It is only historians who will tell the complete story, with the
benefit of official records, reflection and the full objectivity of time.
of those historians may not even be born yet. But as they too, in time, look to
the sky to contemplate, what this period in history was truly like here. Let
them be inspired that we did our best, to fend off an unwelcome visitor. Stars
they will see, shine on us now too. We are all connected. Another fact of life,
here on Earth.
SOURCE: https://www.rte.ie/news/2020/0424/1134691-covid19-facts-of-life/
& www.drugs.ie
& www.drugscope.org.uk & www.spunout.org
& www.childline.org.uk/ & www.youngminds.org.uk/
& https://www.cybersafeireland.org/about-us/
If you or someone you know has been
affected by mental health issues you can contact:
- 116 123, text 087 2609090 or email jo@samaritans.ie
House (Suicide & Self-harm) - 1800 247 247 or 01 623 5606
(Depression, Bi-Polar Disorder & Anxiety) - 1800 80 48 48
(Mental Health support & Recovery) - 1890 474 474
(Eating Disorders Associations of Ireland) - 1890 200 444
(for under 18s)
- 1800 66 66 66.
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