Monday, 13 April 2020


University College Cork (UCC) has developed a remote early-warning system to detect Covid-19 symptoms in frontline medical staff at Cork University Hospital.
The Covid-19 Remote Early Warning System (CREW), which has been developed with a software firm, remotely identifies those who may be developing a temperature and who shouldn't go to work.

The healthcare worker wears a digital thermometer sensor to measure body temperature and an alarm is generated if it gets too high.
"What we've done is linked up wearable technologies where there's an under-the-arm temperature monitor and wearable device that can monitor your heart rate and excercise and movement," said Director of the Assert Centre at UCC, Professor Barry O'Reilly, explaining how it works.
"By amalgamating all that, you can see if someone is developing a temperature which is one of the first signs of Covid infection."

Facial protection the new normal'

A senior World Health Organisation (WHO) figure has said that facial protection is going to become the norm, following the coronavirus outbreak.

Dr David Nabarro, the WHO’s Covid-19 envoy, said that people would need to become accustomed to a “new reality”.

He told the BBC:

Some form of facial protection, I’m sure, is going to become the norm, not least to give people reassurance.

But, I would say, don’t imagine that you can do what you like when you are wearing a mask.

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