Monday, 9 March 2020


Six inmates protesting against Covid-19 containment measures at a northern Italian prison have died after they broke into the infirmary and overdosed on methadone, police have said. The protest on Sunday in Modena was among the first of more than two dozen riots at Italy’s overcrowded- lock_up’s that grew on Monday. Human rights advocates have been warning that increasing tensions over fears of coronavirus were hitting inmates particularly hard, especially after restrictions were imposed on family visits to prevent transmissions. On Monday, inmates climbed onto the roof of the San Vittore prison in Milan and held up a painted sheet reading- Indulto, Italian for pardon.

Donato Capece, secretary general of the penitentiary police union, accused the government of abandoning the prison system, refusing to provide sufficient measures to prevent the spread of the virus among inmates and leaving guards on their own to deal with prisoners who could now only speak to relatives by phone or Skype. “The administration is completely absent,” he said. “They have left the penitentiary police in jeopardy.”

He confirmed six inmates at the Modena prison had died from overdoses.

He ticked off the more than two dozen prisons where protests were under way, including in Foggia where some prisoners had escaped.

Italy’s overburdened court system has ground to a near halt because of virus containment measures, increasing tensions among prisoners already forced to endure long delays in justice.


Inmates have protested against a ban on normal family meetings as Covid-19 brings parts of northern Italy to a standstill.

OSAPP, a union for penitentiary police, said there had been “chaos” in Italian prisons, with at least thirty riots taking place in jails across the country after the restrictions were announced.

Six inmates protesting anti-coronavirus measures at a prison in Modena have died after they broke into the infirmary and overdosed on methadone, according to Italian penitentiary police.

The head of Italy’s prison administration, Francesco Basentini, said three inmates died at the jail in northern Italy, and three others died after being moved elsewhere.

He told local media that there had been a “wave” of protests across the country.

Some prisoners have managed to escape during a riot in Foggia, according to local media.

Sappe, a union for prison guards, said two guards had been taken hostage in the northern city of Pavia and were released after a police raid.

Riots have taken place in Naples, Vercelli in Peidmont and Frosinone in Lazio, according to OSAPP.

On Monday, inmates climbed onto the roof of the San Vittore prison in Milan and held up a painted sheet reading “Indulto”, Italian for pardon.

Donato Capece, secretary general of the penitentiary police union, said that six inmates had died at a prison in Modena from overdoses.

Multiple others were hospitalised after the Modena prison riot, according to newspaper La Repubblica.

In an emergency decree on Sunday, the government imposed limits on direct contact between inmates and their families.

Until 22 March, prisoners will only be allowed to contact visitors by phone or other remote methods.

The measures are aimed at tackling the spread of Covid-19, which has infected over 5,800 people in Italy to date.

Over 16m people have been placed in quarantine as the northern region of Lombardy – which includes Milan – was put on lockdown.

Over 360 people infected with Covid-19 – a flu-lke virus that can develop into pneumonia – have died in Italy to date.

Additional reporting by agencies:




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